Thursday, September 2, 2010

My Life.

My life is definitely not my own anymore. Simone is now a month old, and I am such a proud Mama. Every day I spend with her I am amazed; she looks like a miniature me, but with better lips and eyes, and she's going to be giant when she gets older! She has big hands and big feet, and she's much bigger than I was when I was born; we were born at the same gestation, both at 37 weeks, and I was only 4 pounds 8 ounces when I was born. Every day she does something new. Seeing her grow in front of my very eyes is the greatest experience ever. I have definitely found a new purpose in life!

Simone Regina Martin.

On July 31, 2010 at 5:13 PM, my beautiful baby Simone Regina Martin was born into this world. She was 20 inches and 6 pounds, 9 ounces. Simone was 3 weeks early. She was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen.

At 4:50 AM, my water broke. By 6 we were in the hospital, hooked up to the monitors. Since my contractions weren't starting on their own, the nurse started me on a pitocin drip. By 12:30 PM my contractions were in full swing. I opted for the epidural at 3 PM, and at 4 PM it was time to start pushing! For all your Mamas, and all you people that know anything about childbirth, I had advanced from 4 cm to 10 cm in 1 hour! Then after an hour of pushing, Simone was born. That day was singularly the most important day of my life. This blog is coming a little late, seeing as how she's a month old now, but better late than never!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Sad Day.

Today was pretty rough. I woke up and it started like any normal day. We ate breakfast, watched some old Gene Kelly movies, and we started going about our chores. Well Pogo and Higgins got into this big fight. Higgins had a small cut on his paws, and Pogo's gums were bleeding but they were both okay. Well my Dad figured it would be okay to let them around each other again. Big mistake. They got into another fight, and this time Higgins paws were cut pretty badly and Pogo got a big gash on his ear. We cleaned them up, and Mom asked Dad if she thought we should separate the dogs until they were healed. Of course, Dad being "the Dog Whisperer" that he is, he said no, and that we just had to make sure they didn't fight again. The dogs tried to fight again, of course, but Dad got in the middle of them. Pogo bit Dad on one arm and then sliced his thumb open so bad my Dad needs stitches. So what happened? We have to put Pogo down on Monday. I am not happy. At all. I've been crying for a while, and I just feel awful. We are going to try and make these last few days comfortable for Pogo. Please say some prayers for my poor little blind dog and our family. We will all miss him so much.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

32 Weeks.

Today marks my 32nd week of pregnancy, and the further along I get, the more and more I feel like a visitor in my own body, especially when I have just eaten and Simone decides to throw a party in my stomach. It looks like an alien is trying to escape! I have to admit that this doesn't bother me too much; I am so grateful to have my little angel in there dancing away. I honestly can't wait for August though...The frequent bathroom trips, constant hunger and never-ending backaches are really killing me right about now! I can't believe I still have 8 weeks left of this, too...

Friday, May 14, 2010

It's Finally Friday!

Thank God that it's finally Friday, this week has been so trying. Starting with Tuesday, I had a really embarrassing episode in the middle of the Macy's shoe department. At first I just felt dizzy, but then the dizziness got so bad that not even sitting made me feel better. I started seeing black spots and felt nauseous, so in a desperate attempt to relieve myself of that feeling I laid down ON THE FLOOR of Macy's! It was definitely the most embarrassing moment of my life, but I felt better after that. I went home and took a nap, and then woke up later that evening and had horrible cramping with contractions. My Mom took me into the Labor & Delivery unit where they monitored me until 11PM and then came to the conclusion that I was dehydrated. They started me on an IV drip of fluids and told me to increase my fluid intake at home, then they discharged me from the hospital. Well, I guess that's one way to pre-register for the hospital! So that was Tuesday. I was down all day Wednesday, and then yesterday was my glucose tolerance test and blood work. This morning I got a phone call from the nurse at my doctor's office, Robin, telling me the results of the blood work came in and I am negative for gestational diabetes, however I am slightly anemic. I need to get started on an iron supplement now, but that's nothing too big. So now that it's Friday, let's see what this day brings!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Worrisome Wednesday.

So today was the first really hectic day in my pregnancy. I've been making a lot of calls around to different insurance companies, trying to figure out what I'm going to do about insuring Simone when she's born. At first the Social Services Office told me that she would be covered under my insurance for the first 30 days, but then I found out from my insurance company that since I'm a dependent on my family's health plan that Simone wouldn't be covered by my insurance. Argh! So I called them back asking how much it would be to get her covered by them, and they said they couldn't cover her until she was three months old. SCREWY! Then on top of that I have to worry about the money for the child birthing classes since my doctor told me it was a near necessity to enroll in those. It's just insane right now. I knew that this was going to be really crazy and a lot of responsibility, but I guess I just had no idea how much responsibility it was. It's so strange to think that just seven months ago my biggest concern was what color shoes I wanted to go with what shirt, or making it to work on time. Oh yeah, and on top of the money issue, being unemployed and six months pregnant really freaking sucks. It just makes money matters EVEN WORSE, especially since it's so darn difficult to even get people to consider me as a future employee once they see my monstrous belly. I guess I just need to take a deep breath and calm down. Easier said than done!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Getting Antsy!

So I'm nearly 6 months pregnant now and I'm starting to get antsy. I haven't really ballooned yet, but I've definitely blossomed! My belly doesn't fit into half of my pre-pregnancy shirts anymore, and when I so much as think about squeezing into my pre-pregnancy shorts and jeans, my thighs scream at me! Well I guess these are all just the joys of pregnancy, right? What is really getting to me is the waiting. I feel like it's been so long already of having this little girl inside of me, and I just want to meet her already! Let's be real here though, I can definitely wait until August so that she comes out fully cooked, but I am just anxious to see her little face and hold her in my arms for the first time. It's so surreal to feel her wiggle around in there. It's days like these, too, when she's super active in the afternoon that make me wonder what it's going to be like a few months from now. Afternoons filled with screaming, crying, and pooping. Ah, what I have to look forward to, haha!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

It's a Girl!

Last Tuesday I had my anatomy ultrasound to make sure that everything looked alright with the baby. I'm still waiting for my next appointment on Wednesday to find out what the results are (I'm confident that the baby is healthy as a horse because it moves around quite a bit) but the big news of the day was that we got to see the sex of the baby! The results? She's a girl! So we named her Simone Regina Martin, and we went shopping for some baby girl clothes. We picked out her crib, her dresser, stroller, crib set, and the outfit that we're going to bring her home in. It was so much fun. Now I can hardly wait until Wednesday, when we find out the results of the anatomy scan and I get to ask all of the questions I've been meaning to ask at every appointment that's passed and just can't remember when I go. I am going prepared this time and I've written them all down!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Letter From Mommy.

Dear Baby,
For the past two days I have been able to touch one of your body parts through my stomach. Feeling something so beautiful and precious underneath my fingertips has given me a feeling that is simply indescribable. It is truly a blessing to have you growing inside of me, and to know that I can give you an environment for you to thrive in. In only five days I will get the chance to see you again on a screen. Whether or not I will see if you are a little girl or a little boy is dependent on you, baby. I only pray you will cooperate for Mommy, but I want you to know that if you are shy on Tuesday, I won't be upset. Just seeing your delicate little fingers and your little heart beating strong in your chest will fill me with such a joy as I cannot describe. You are everything to me, baby. You are the reason that I wake up in the morning and the drive behind my every move. Keep growing strong inside of me, baby, and I will do everything I can for you when you come.

With All The Love In The World

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Today is not easy. I feel like a crybaby, even though I haven't cried once. These hormones are driving me nuts. I go through these really weird mood swings, mostly when I'm alone. It makes me scared to be alone, on my own, by myself for even five minutes. It gives me time to think about everything, and I don't like reflecting on things. For instance, I am so ready to be a mom, but I am so scared at the same time. It brings up worries in me I never thought I would have. What's going to happen with me? I know that no one knows the answer to this question except God, and that I just have to have a little bit of faith, but it's hard sometimes.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sick As A Dog...

Well, it doesn't look like I'm getting much better. I came down with the flu on Saturday, and ever since then it's just gotten worse...I don't know what to do! It sucks so bad. I just want to be out and back at school, but I can't get myself out of the house. I'm still coughing so hard that I get terrible headaches and I throw up. It's so gross! I just want to cry. I really want to get out of the house right about now...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Still Breathing!

It's only the second day of classes and the growing list of expenses is piling up. My art book alone is close to $150 and that's just one class! Needless to say I'm a little hesitant to shell out all this money, but I guess whatever I need to do to get my education...I just keep thinking to myself, "This isn't for you anymore, this is for the little one." It's what keeps me going during the day, especially when my bones are tired and my stomach is churning and the light coming in through the blinds of the classroom are giving me the biggest headache I've ever had. I'm 13 weeks this week! My nausea is starting to subside little by little, and my fatigue is getting easier to control. All I know is that I still have so far to go! I just have to keep breathing...